Which Tires Next?
Our first two tire reviews have had a great response (and sparked quite some discussion online!) We appreciate all the constructive criticism and input. As we move forward, we've decided that we'll ask our readers which tires you want to be the next that we test here. After the last tires didn't quite live up to my expectations, I'm back on my Gravelkings that are nearing the end of their life. So what's next? I've identified a few tires that claim to roll fast and handle a variety of conditions: The online discussions of the previous reviews almost immediately compared the tires we tested to the offerings from Rene Herse. So their Juniper Ridge is an obvious choice. Schwalbe's G-Ones have a good reputation, too. Their G-One Speed looks a lot like the Ultradynamico Cava except that the knobs are a little bigger, so they should squirm less. The G-One Allround seems to differ mostly with taller knobs which may be good for the occasional mud we encounter on ou...